Church Service times


Times for Services and other activities

Service times

Morning worship

First Sunday of each month


A service with a set pattern of prayers, readings and hymns / songs.

Holy communion

Second and fourth Sunday of each month


A service with a set pattern of prayers, readings and hymns / songs that also includes a sharing in bread and wine in remembrance of Jesus

Hope shared

Third Sunday of each month


An informal service of worship, with a variety of topics sharing various aspects of the hope given to Christians by Jesus. Over the last few months these have also included baptisms.



Shared Holy Communion Service with St. Chad’s Church either at St. Paul’s or St. Chad’s.

Activities / Groups

(click on the group name for further information)

Sew, Knit and Natter

Monday 10:30am - 12:30pm, fortnightly

St Paul's tots

Monday 10:00am - 12:00pm.

TLC (Tea and love for the community)

Tuesday 2:00pm - 3:30pm